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your new TRU-Infrared Smoker, Roaster & Grill. We suggest you take a few moments to read the Product. Guide, ensure your cooker is assembled correctly and. Smoke, roast or grill meals with this infrared cooker that features a 180 total sq. in. steel grilling grate, a double-stack design that accommodates up to 25See rating label on unit for serial number. © 2011 Char-Broil, LLC. Printed in China. • Columbus, GA 31902 •. • Assembly Instructions © Hawg®; CB 940®; Char-Diamonds®; Char-Broil Charcoal/Gas®; Everybody Grills®; Grill 2 Go®; Grill 2 Go® Express®; Grill Lovers®; Infrared Grilling That's All Char-Broil THE BIG EASY 12101550 User Manual. For outdoor use only, Failure to follow all manufacturer's instructions Smoker, Roaster & Grill. The Big Easy. Oil-less Turkey Fryer Failure to follow these instructions could result in and other accessories can be found at CHAR-BROIL Grill, Gas Manual L1001430 CHAR-BROIL Grill, Gas Owner's Manual, CHAR-BROIL Series@; The Big Easy@; The Minute Grill@; Trentino@; Wild West Help For: Model 14101550. The Big Easy Smoker Roaster & Grill. View Schematic Warranty Information. Manuals / Guides.
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